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Mobile Buying Guide

Compare these features with mobiles in a similar price range or with their nearest competitors, so you can find the best mobile with top features within your budget. After buying the mobile, you can enjoy using it for several years without feeling like you should have waited a bit longer.

Friends, imagine your favourite superhero without his gadgets!…

What happened? …

Even Spiderman 🏋️ looks like Peter 🧍 without gadgets or superpowers.

Isn’t it!

Well, we all are also heroes of our own life story. All that is needed is the “right” gadget, which can transform us from hero🤓 to Superhero😊. Otherwise, just imagine what would happen if Thor’s hammer was given to Spiderman 🕸️ and asked to “save the world now with it”.🤣🤣🤣

Our super gadget is our mobile📱 which gives us features like Super-powers. If you don’t believe it, ask your grandparents if a person walked carrying an alarm clock, a task schedule notebook, a personal assistant, a camera, a calculator, a computer, a torch light, a compass, a music player or a radio, a notebook, a weather device, a video recording camera, a calendar, an interpreter (a person who knows both languages so that a person can communicate between two different languages), a newspaper, and many more in one hand, these people would have considered him a Superhero. But nowadays everyone has a mobile, so we do not recognize the “super-power” of it.

But by using it properly, many youngsters have become millionaires and millionaires💰 before the age of getting a driving license.

So… why am I telling you the merits of “having the right mobile” here? Because you can get ready to read the boring theory that comes next.🤣

Now let us know what things we should keep in mind before buying this Super-Gadget. First of all you have to put your hand in your pocket🤭… I mean, decide the budget. That’s because without knowing the budget, window-shopping for mobile phones will only waste of time. After looking at expensive mobiles, when you buy one for your budget, no matter how good it is, you will not be satisfied. This thought will always come to mind after seeing others’ mobiles… “Thoda aur Ruk jate to Acchha Model mil jata…” 🤧

After so many years of experience, I am telling here the best methods which we used to tell our customers to select the mobile phone.

Step 1: Decide the Budget.
Step 2: CRB Test.

What is CRB Test? Let us understand.

B = Battery


CPU means the processor of the mobile, which we cannot upgrade after purchasing the mobile. Actually, it is not difficult to know which one is better among the processors of the same manufacturer. So, we know that Snapdragon 865 is better than Snapdragon 860. But is it better than Dimension 7200? Knowing this can be a little tricky. If you do not know much about processor technology then this choice can be even more difficult for you. In such a situation, if we get a list in which all these processors are ranked, then our choice would become easier… isn’t it?

So this is the link, where all the processors are ranked according to their capacity.


Even RAM cannot be upgraded after purchasing the mobile. Yes, new features like extended RAM have come in the market, but they are not so effective. In this the storage is used as virtual RAM. Due to which there has been a decrease in the performance of the mobile, this is what some users say. So let me tell you a simple rule, in 2023 the RAM should be at least 6GB.

Battery :

After deciding on the best CPU + RAM combination, if the battery is of low capacity, then all your hard work has gone in vain. This is like buying a sports car to drive it at full speed, but the petrol tank is only of one litre. 🤣 The battery should be at least 5000+ mAh. Other features of the battery like fast charge support etc. are also important. Now the problem with many brands is that they provide full features in the mobile but the battery is weak. In such a situation, if you want to compromise on battery, then that will be your decision.

TIP: It is very important to do the CRB test mentioned above. Buying a mobile without this can be a wrong deal. You can make some adjustments in the remaining features.


After all this you will say, “Why was storage not included in the important features?” That’s because we can increase storage. So I have kept only those things in essential features, which cannot be changed or increased. Nowadays it is common for everyone to have 2 SIMs. Therefore, the thing to remember is that the SIM tray should be dedicated, hybrid SIM slots have spoiled the fun of many flagship smartphone models. It seems like a perfectly shaped bodybuilder 💪 without teeth.🤢

I simply mean that there should be a separate slot for the memory card, otherwise you will have to sacrifice one of your SIMs. For storage, you can also use the option of cloud storage. Cloud storage increases your storage manifold.

Camera :

After storage, we find the camera to be the most important feature. Nowadays, in the age of social media, photos and videos are very important for us. Whether it is to share with friends or to increase your followers. In such a situation, not having good camera quality can be a bad choice for you.
Now if someone is thinking of commenting that, “Even the camera cannot be changed, then why was it not included in the CRB test?”… then the answer is that there is always support for filters for the camera. Whereas this is not the case for the features of CRB Test. Those features cannot be changed through software.

Design & Built Quality :

Well, there is no point in thinking too deeply about this. Almost all smartphones come with good build quality. You just have to be careful that you don’t get caught by a donkey in a horse market. You might remember that a big brand like Apple had added a model in its series, 5C! Which looks odd if all Apple phones are lined up. iPhones loved for its design, but that model was as if a plastic toy had been placed between real swords. What you have to remember from this example is that you should check that the build quality is not substandard at all. You can find this out by its weight and measurement details.

Software :

Now the last feature to pay attention to is Software. In the software too, just make sure that it is not too different from the OS with which you are comfortable running. Once I made two big mistakes. I was an Android user. Bought an iPhone just to show off. The first mistake was that the model was 5C,🤮 After purchasing it, I had to tell people that it was an iPhone. 🤒 The second was that, I got confused while understanding the User Interface. Since then I have never taken a chance. I always buy a phone after doing complete research, so that I can use it later for 3 to 4 years without any regrets.

You should know all the features after this, so I am telling you here. Read it once. You can compromise on them.

Connectivity Option :

Your smartphone is your digital passport to see the world. Therefore, if the connectivity option is latest then you will get a good user experience. If it is 2023 then shift to 5G. WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, USB-C, GPS, all these features should be latest.

Audio Quality :

From music and games to videos, everything gets ruined if the audio quality is not good. Support features like Dolby Atmos.

Biometric Security :

Features like fingerprint sensor, face unlock, Irish scanner are very important for the security of your phone.

Durability & Water Resistance :

Your phone should have a sturdy build, with the screen protected by Gorilla Glass. IP68 or higher water resistance feature keeps the phone from getting damaged by light drizzle.

Finally, with the insights gained from this Mobile Buying Guide, you will be well prepared to make the best choice when purchasing your next smartphone. By giving priority to primary features like CPU, RAM and Battery, you will ensure that the mobile you choose is technically strong. Let this mobile buying guide be your navigation light whenever you decide to buy a new smartphone.


Happy Shopping !

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